Start Making Money Online By Building Your List
The best way to start making money online is to start building your list right away! I'm sure you've heard it said before "the money's in the list", well nothing could be further from the truth. When you first start out in any form of Internet Marketing, you have to get traffic to your sites. Once you get that traffic, wouldn't it be nice if they left their email address behind and invited you to contact them with special offers and updates?
Wouldn't that make a huge difference to your bottom line? Building a list is not an additional chore in building your business. It's simply something you can easily incorporate to what you are already doing.
The first step to start making money online by building your list is niche research. For list building purposes, you need to find a market with a long-term need. You want to build a list of loyal subscribers for the long haul. If your whole niche is something that can be remedied with a one-time purchase, your subscribers may unsubscribe once their need has been met. Think about the longevity of your niche as you consider its viability.
Next you must get traffic. Traffic generation takes many forms, if you have your own system that works for you - great! If you're just getting started or nothing seems to work, get involved with article marketing, forums related to your niche, and web 2.0 social sites. Start putting yourself out there, using your keywords and links to your site in everything you do.
Now to really start making money online, you want to convert your traffic into subscribers. The best way is with a squeeze page. When someone visits your site, they are given the opportunity to opt-in to your mail list. Always offer something of legitimate value in exchange for your visitor providing their email address. A niche related ebook or report works perfect. In fact, always give value to your subscribers. Over-deliver at every opportunity.
From here, you should have maybe four to six emails loaded into your auto-responder to provide a welcome sequence of communication to your new subscribers. Spread this out over a week to ten days. Communicate with your list. Update them when you post to your blog, or write a new article. Again, over-deliver on value with good information regarding your niche.
Some would argue that you should include some sort of sales offer with every email. Others would argue you should maintain a ration of (2:1) two informational emails to one offer email. Whatever works best for you is fine, but you want to be a legitimate source of information within your niche, not a salesperson.
By identifying the needs of your niche, and providing solutions for those needs, several good things will happen. You will be seen as an authority. You will be seen as generous and genuinely helpful. Your list will grow and grow and grow. And, oh yeah, you will finally be making money online!
David Maddux struggled himself and knows how overwhelming it can be trying to get started making money online. If you're tired of hype and want to build a truly Legitimate Web Income, pay him a visit at