
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is a great way to impart your knowledge to your readers and earn quality inbound links for your website. It is the most favorite marketing tool of millions of marketers worldwide because it is cost-effective, hassle-free, and it really works!

Here are the 5 no-brainer steps to amplify your article marketing:

1. Offer unique content. Copying somebody else's work and claiming it your own is deadly to your marketing techniques. This can result to penalties from major search engines and this will surely make you lose the trust of your potential clients. Strive to give your readers unique content by putting your ideas into writing using your own words.

2. Write and submit more articles. Article marketing is indeed a game of numbers. If you want to earn more quality inbound links for your website and further strengthen your online presence, you must be willing to multiply the number of your submission.

3. Use striking titles. This is the first step to get online users to read your content. Make your titles keyword-rich, attention-grabbing, intriguing, and thought-provoking by incorporating humor, emotion, fear, and exaggeration.

4. Your articles must be interesting to read. You must be able to put your readers at ease when they read your content. They must also feel delighted that they are spending their precious time reading your articles. You can do so by offering your information in a very light and easy to understand manner.

5. Offer valuable information. To make your articles worth reading, give your readers what they truly want - useful and valuable content. Fill your articles with information that they will find helpful in their current situation or will provide answers to their burning questions. This is the key to compel them to click on your resource box and check out your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

List building has often been said by many Internet marketing experts to be the true way to create foolproof income on the Internet. It's been around for decades offline in the 'real world', but many online marketers and entrepreneurs have used it online for massive results.

So is list building the 'hidden goldmine' online? Yes, it is! When you have your own list, it is yours. No one else's. It is a source of repeat traffic like no other thing. Pay per click marketing gives you one visitor per click, but what if you can turn that one visitor into repeat visits to your product and even to affiliate products?

Imagine if you get 50 to 100 visitors to your website. If you send them to your online store or your sales page without capturing their names and emails, and they leave your site, they are gone forever.

But now let's say you build a list. You get 40 subscribers for every 100 visitors. Now you can send follow-up emails to these 40 subscribers and get them to see you store or your sales page a few times. Many experts agree it often takes a few exposures for a prospect to buy your product. These 40 subscribers are going to give you a repeat traffic source for a long time to come.

Think about it. If someone is not willing to give you their first name and email address, what more their credit card details. Some people are just paranoid about giving away their details online or are just skeptical about everything.

So work with building a list. You can turn that 50-100 visitors into 500-1000 repeat visitors from your emails to your product and to other products if you choose to.

All it takes to build a list is a simple one-page website, and an autoresponder account. I use Aweber, and the service is a charm to use. Don't procrastinate in building a list. Go and build one. Today.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

It is common knowledge that the best and cheapest way to get traffic to your website is to have a good ranking with the search engines. Ideally, you want to be listed on the first search page of all the engines as potential customers rarely go beyond that.

The first warning sign that your site is not properly optimized will be that you have a poor search engine ranking or none at all when you type in keywords relating to your site. While there are many services that promise you high search engine rankings there are a few obvious warning signs that your website is poorly optimized to look out for yourself.

Is your website registered with the search engines? If not, do so immediately. Google, Yahoo and MSN are the main ones but consider registering with others as well. Have a close look at the content of your website. Ask yourself if the look and content of the site is attractive to visitors. Make sure that the website looks good and that all content is interesting and readable.

Have you thought carefully about who your customers are and what words they are likely to type in when searching for the product or service you have on offer? Perhaps the biggest warning sign of bad search engine optimization is the poor use of keywords.

You should research which are the most commonly used keywords and work them into the content of your website, as well as in the title and the meta data. Also try working them into the links on your website, instead of having redundant link text such as 'Click here for more'.

The content of your website should also have a good sprinkling of keywords, no less than 2%. Try to work these into your content naturally and don't sacrifice quality for the sake of a few extra keywords.

Do you have backlinks to your site? If not, you should start work on creating these immediately. Submitting articles relating to your product or service to article directories can be a great way of doing this. Your articles can be published for free but will contain a backlink to your site, thus boosting your popularity among search engines.

Finally, keep your website up to date. Not only will visitors to your site appreciate the extra effort, search engines track how often websites are updated. So keep it fresh.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Although there are so many product promotional and traffic-generating tools that have been introduced in the last couple of years, article marketing remains supreme in driving free, quality traffic to your website, improving your page ranking, and increasing your sales and revenue.

Here are the 6 first secrets to make money through article marketing:

1. To easily attract those people who are most likely to buy your products, write about topics that are closely related to your offerings. For instance, if you are selling jewelries, stick with topics that revolve around jewelries. People who are considering buying your products will surely look for relevant information and if they find those on your articles, you can easily increase your chances of making a sale.

2. Write more articles. Download a keyword suggestion tool and identify the top performing keywords that are related to your chosen niche. List them down and create interesting topics about them. Write as many articles as you can so you can easily position yourself as someone who is knowledgeable on your chosen niche and boost the number of your inbound links.

3. Strive to offer original, unique content. Copying somebody else's work can be deadly to both your marketing techniques and ebusiness as search engines will surely penalize you for it. So, make sure that you provide your readers with only unique and quality content not only to please the search engines but also to please your readers and make them feel that you are a great source of quality and valuable information.

4. Stick with facts. As an expert on your chosen niche and a source of information, you must strive not to mislead your readers by not offering them unfounded data. Check all the information you have included in your articles against reputable resources before you make your articles available online.

5. Be consistent. If you want to easily make a lasting mark online, you need to strengthen your online presence. This can easily be done by writing and submitting your articles on a regular basis. This will make your name highly visible on the World Wide Web that can promote easy recall among your target market.

6. Bank on the quality of your articles. The quality of your content remains to be the most important single element that can ensure your success in this technique. When you are able to produce well-written, informative, content-rich, and useful articles, you will be able to generate more attention online and attract more people to do business with you.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If somebody writes you an email and asks you a question, if you don't answer that question they'll probably never ever buy from you. I want to look at some statistics real quick. My list of about 10,000 contains somewhere in the neighborhood of 800 buyers, so somewhere in the neighborhood of 8% of the people on my list have bought from me.

However, if I look at the percentage of people who have ever asked me a question online, it's something like 50%. So what that means is that my conversion rate, once I've developed enough of a relationship to talk with somebody via email, my conversion rate is now 50%.

Keep in mind that that 50% is skewing the 8%. Without that 50%, that 8% might be 5-6%, so it's critical that when somebody asks you a question online from your list, you have to answer the email if you're going to be in business for a long period of time. You've got to answer the email. In my case I take it a step further because I know that once somebody asks me a question there's a 50% chance if I answer it that they're going to buy from me.

So how do I motivate people to write to me? I ask them questions. Some of you that have been on my list for a long time have seen that email 50 times because I send it out a lot. I want that response.

You've got to do the same thing on your list. You've got to build that relationship. One of the nice things about asking a question is when they answer you you find out what they want and then you can build products that meet those needs.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Let me ask you a very important question. Are you still struggling to see results from your article marketing efforts? You may be writing articles, but simply not getting the results that you want.

In this article I would like to go over the key ingredient for article marketing success. You simply are not writing enough to achieve success. The biggest problem is that if you plan on only doing one article a day then this method of promotion will not work.

You are branding your name on the internet. When people subscribe to your newsletter or purchase your product it is because you have built your brand up and people trust you enough to do business with you. As the famous sales trainer Jeoffrey Gitomer once said people only do business with other people that they like, know and trust.

Ask yourself honestly who would you rather purchase from somebody who has 5 articles out there or somebody who has 500 hundred articles. If you read 500 articles by one author you are more likely to trust them and purchase their product than if you only read 5 articles. So to dramatically increase your business you need to increase the number of articles that you have out there.

This is a common mistake by many newbies. They think that all they need to do is write 20 articles and they are going to achieve massive success. You need to be producing and submitting articles to directories on a consistent basis to make this method work. Eventually you will build your brand as an expert in your market and when people are ready to purchase they will automatically think of you first.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

OK. Here is what I mean. If you're not new to website promotion, you must have heard that one of the best ways to drive targeted, ready to buy traffic to one's website is by marketing with articles. It's free and the traffic is of high quality we are told.

In reality, a lot of new Internet marketers have used the technique without much success. They have written a few articles and submitted to loads of article directories and all they get in return is a trickle of traffic so they quit in frustration.

Article marketing still works. There is no question about that. The problem a lot of people have is their strategy. They get it wrong before they even begin. They make a lot of mistakes.

Let's discuss some of the mistakes most people make.

Mistake One: Lack of Patience

Many people hope to get a surge of traffic hours after they submit their articles. That won't happen. Article marketing is not a quick fire method of generating website traffic. It's usually a slow process that lasts years.

People can still visit your website through articles you've written years ago. That is the beauty of it. You get traffic forever.

Mistake Two: Writing for The Search Engines

When people learn about article marketing, the learn that one should write for the search engines. They learn one should write articles in such a way that the search engines will index quickly.

I do not believe in this. I strongly advise you write with your readers in mind. Teach them what you know in your article as simply as possible. This way, you will stand a better chance of generating long lasting traffic through your articles. Write for humans, not for the search engines.

Mistake Three: Not Writing Enough Articles

I've seen people write a couple of articles and sit back to watch the traffic gush in. If you think you will get traffic with the two articles you've got, then perish the thought. Article marketing is a continuous exercise.

You need to consistently churn out good contents so your readers will get "addicted" to you. When this happens, you can rest assured they will buy from you over and over again.

Article marketing remains as powerful as ever. It will remain powerful as long as contents still drive the Internet so use it.

See you at the bank.

Alan Stone

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