
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Article Marketing: Top 10 Reasons Why Articles Get Rejected

Each week I receive dozens of article submissions to my websites from aspiring authors, website owners, and entrepreneurs embarking on a new article marketing campaign. Most of the time, I can only use a small fraction of the content I receive because people writing articles make one of the crucial article marketing mistakes listed below.

KEY POINT: When you submit articles to a newsletter/ezine publisher or a website owner as part of your article marketing campaign, you have to remember that they aren't going to publish YOUR article for THEIR customers and visitors unless it is high quality content that gives something of value.

If you're writing articles like crazy as part of your article marketing, but getting very few of them actually published, then you might want to re-evaluate your approach. Are you making one of these crucial article marketing mistakes?

1. Poor Subject Matter:

If you're going to bother writing articles, write about something that people are interested in reading about. In other words, address a problem and provide a solution within your content. This is your best bet when in comes to article marketing. Content pieces that approach an old problem in a new way or with a new twist work well too -- you don't have to necessarily discover a whole new problem that no one else has ever though of before (If you discover a whole new problem and have the solution you better be thinking of product creation not just an article marketing!).

2. Write With Personality:

No one likes to read text books. Put a little of your own personality into your article marketing and make your content engaging and entertaining as well as informative. If you have a sense of humor, use it.

3. Write For Your Audience:

Don't distribute content about the value of protein in the American diet to a Russian Political website or the publisher of a podiatry newsletter... They don't care.

4. Write A Decent Sized Article:

Most publishers would rather an article be a little bit too long than very short. Four hundred word articles just don't have enough meat in them. Don't ramble when you're writing articles, but you've got to provide some details if you want to be published.

5. Break Up Your Article: When writing articles, don't use three long paragraphs. Break it up into smaller paragraphs with a few single lines, bullets, etc. to make it easier and more enjoyable to read. Again -- no one likes to read text books.

6. Spell Check And Grammar:

If you're writing articles as part of a serious article marketing campaign, then you've got to spell check. No one will publish your content if it's full of spelling and grammar errors.

7. Don't Write A Sales Letter: No one will publish an article that reads like a sales letter... period. Article marketing isn't about selling, it's about pre-selling.

8. Forget About Affiliate Links:

Use your head... why would anyone use your content article if it's full of your own affiliate links? Ever hear of the "Golden Rule?" It applies to article marketing too. Would you publish another writer's article if it were full of his affiliate links? I doubt it.

9. Create A Reasonable Resource Box:

A resource box should tell me who you are, what you do, and how I can get in touch with you. It's not unlimited advertising space for you to describe every website you run and each product you sell. Article marketing is about providing content, not advertising. That "Golden Rule" thing applies to resource boxes too.

10. Only Write About What You Know:

Even if you're writing articles based on opinion, get your facts straight. Don't write content filled with advice that you have no business giving... it will hurt your article marketing campaign.

If you take nothing else away from this discussion, remember that a good article writing campaign always answers "What's in it for me?"

When you're writing articles to send to newsletter and website publishers, you have to answer that question on two fronts...

What's in it for the publisher? Why should they show your content to their customers and visitors? Does it give something of value?

-- AND --

What's in it for the people who will ultimately be reading your article when it's published?

After all, the idea behind article marketing is to provide some worthy content that compels readers to visit your site, subscribe to your newsletter, or buy your product.

Article marketing can be extremely lucrative... but you've got to do it right.


Savvy internet marketers generate thousands of dollars from Article Marketing marketing each year. To get instant access To The Amazing Article Formula that gets articles distributed, Published, and read, Visit Now! Or Visit to submit your article.

Statistics to Prove Expert Status as a Writer and a Disdain for the Domain

Today, I am the number one online article writer on the Internet, tomorrow someone may indeed zoom by me like I am standing still and yet, as some praise me and others attack me, I just laugh. You see, I use to have a disdain for writers, as a doer, because I was doing things and they were writing about it. Now in retirement, I am doing more writing than doing?

Recently, my expert status was challenged in this writing domain, which I have absolutely no care in the world about, but still I ask; who is the expert, the authority and who is to sit in judgment on this issue. Should the writer who sells the most books be considered the expert, after all let the reader decide, there are readers of all reading grade levels and of all interests across the spectrum. Even if I am not the world's best writer does it matter if the readers like what I write? My critics ask tough questions and my challengers state such things as am I qualified to talk about the subject, what are my stats?

Indeed, I am well qualified in the real world of achievement and estimate now some 40 million articles read considering 4.4 million article views here alone and 156,000 ezine publisher pick-ups; 10 eBooks written, One of many co-authors of a book still selling on the shelf since 1999 so that one is a smashing success with an extremely long life, well over 1 million copies sold now: Franchising 101.

One of my eBooks that has well over 1 million plus hits online since 1997: How to Run a Successful Car Wash Fundraiser. Yes a very simple book, yet one which gets a heck of a lot of play. Still, as far as writing is concerned, I do not consider myself a writer. I am very good at many things, but I do not consider writing to be amongst my strong suit. I stand by my resume and will put it up along side anyone's in the World. So, I accept that challenge, no worries.

I think statistics are important too, I think the reader ought to have something to say about value of an article. Writers and Authors often get their hackles up and sometimes get a little persnickety too. That is the nature of such folks, I have come to accept the writers for who they are and no longer consider them lesser of the doers, just different. But I can say this, I would rather read from a doer, who is a writer, than a mere writer who is pretending to be an expert or authority.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

How to Streamline Your Article Marketing Process

I write a lot of articles - so I have developed a system that works really well for me, and allows me to write and submit as many as 20 articles on some days (I average about 7.5 articles per day, but that is usually days of 20-30 and days of zero, but the average for the month is currently about 7.5 articles per working day).

Here's how I do it:

1) I determine how many articles I am going to write today. For example, if it is 10, then I write a list (in a word processor) of ten topics. Then I transform each of the topics into a title. Generally, I do both of those steps at the same time - I just write the topic as a title. That takes about 5 minutes. (By the way, I have a list of about 100 keywords that I have previously researched, plus I have about 25 different categories in ezinearticles that I write articles for, so if I hit a roadblock on topics, I just consult one of those lists; I do not like to spend time on this step).

2) Then I just start writing - one sitting - all ten articles. This is my process for writing each article:

a) I write an introductory sentence that tells the reader something basic about my topic. Then I write a sentence or two either outlining the problem that exists for which I am writing the article to solve, or I will write a sentence explaining why it is so important that I am writing about this topic.

b) I write a series of steps to solve the problem, very similar to this list. Sometimes I use 1,2,3 or a,b,c, and sometimes I use a paragraph for each step.

c) I summarize the steps, or the reason for doing the steps.

d) I consider this step to be one of the most important. I indicate that one of the things that really helps me with this problem is one of the things that I am going to write about in one of the downloads I offer at the end of the article. This provides a transition to my call to action in my bio.

3) I submit one article to the list of directories, then the next article. With the short list of directories, you should get to where it takes no longer than 60 seconds to upload each article.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1487 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Niche Marketing Online: How To Easily Develop Your Internet Business Focus

If you want to make money online, youll need to have the right combination of products and services, marketing tools, and systems in place to ensure that people will want to buy what you are selling. If youre competing with thousands of other businesses to sell general products and services, your chances of success as a new competitor in the market are pretty low.

However, if you use the power of niche marketing to meet a demand for products and services, you can set yourself apart from your competitors and create a market for your services.

Just what is a niche?

A niche is simply one distinct piece of a market. If youre a writer, you can split all the different types of writing up into different niches. You can be a legal writer, a medical writer, a writer who writes specifically for the Web, a marketing communications writer, or a writer focusing on short fiction. Finding your niche is a matter of identifying a need that has not been filled by other professionals in your industry and coming up with a way to meet the demand.

If youre interested in marketing products, marketing hundreds of products that are marketed by many other companies is not a good way to make sales and gain market share. However, if you can come up with a very specific product that meets an unfulfilled need in the industry, you may be able to make your business a success. One good example of niche marketing with products is found in the pet products industry.

Many companies market pet food, collars, and leashes, but there was a market for personalized pet products that wasnt being catered to. Someone figured out that people really do have a need for personalized pet picture frames and bowls and that person is now successfully selling personalized pet products. Its all about finding a need and being able to fill it with your products or your skills.

How do I get started in niche marketing?

When you start marketing within a specific niche, start small. Dont start offering every product in your niche before youve found out if you can be successful with that niche. You can start by offering information on a specific topic. If you get a lot of traffic and inquiries, you can add a few products to your site to test out how well they sell and how many people keep visiting to look for more products or information.

Once you have established yourself, you can continue to add products, services, and information to your web site. Starting out small will save you the money of buying an inventory of products that wont sell. If you establish yourself first, youll be more confident in the amount of sales you can make.

What if I dont have a product or service to sell?

You should keep in mind that information can also be very profitable if you can find the right niche and marketing strategies. By starting an informational site, you can create opportunities for yourself to become an affiliate marketer or to offer paid advertising on your site to other companies and individuals. The key to using an informational site as a niche marketing tool is to offer solid content and resources for your visitors.

Breaking into niche marketing will take some great ideas and a commitment to marketing your web site as effectively as possible. If you can find the right niche and make the right decisions, youll be able to turn your small niche into a profitable online business.

** Rasheed Ali is CEO and founder of the Internet Coaching Academy where he and his team of internet business experts are helping people from all over the world start, build and profit from their own internet business. He also offers a FREE newsletter and gives away a video course on building a home based business on the internet. **

Who in Internet Marketing Can You Really Believe?

When I first started learning Internet marketing, I subscribed to as many newsletters as I could, read everything I could find on the topic and marveled at the riches that others were achieving so quickly.

In an effort to be successful like they were, I bought almost every eBook they promoted, bought nearly every product they claimed was used to build their online empire and joined their affiliate programs so that I too could promote their wonderful products.

Who are they? People I never met in person, rarely ever spoke with, yet was drawn into the sales letters because those letters were written to be so believable. They are people with names that many now know as Internet marketing gurus or geniuses.

Maybe some of them were living a good life with a fat bank account when I first started following their teaching. The others were, or had, good writers that made them appear to be on top of the market. Still others were nobody until a big name found out about the new product or course that they worked out a joint venture with and promoted it to their huge mailing lists to the point that the nobody became somebody almost overnight.

What raised my suspicions though was when suddenly a new breed came forward claiming that they were the ghost writers that made the others popular, successful and rich. For some reason those writers decided that they no longer wanted to be the unknown. They wanted the spotlight. The strange thing about that is their marketing letters were nearly identical to the ones I had been reading all along, sent by the so-called gurus.

So who really are the brains behind all of this? Did the ghost writers hire ghost writers to write their sales letters? Or are they really writing their own? If they are writing their own, then they are still working harder than the people who they wrote for, because now they have added another project to their list. Oh and the first 1/3 of the eBook you just bought from them probably contains little more than bragging about what they have done, who they helped get rich and why now, after years of silence, you should suddenly believe everything they say.

What I think is really hard to believe, are the photos of checks and account balances with certain identifying items blanked out, supposedly to avoid breaking any rules by the payment processors. Come on now, I have seen a lot online and the one thing I know that can be used in practically any situation is an anonymous photo.

But maybe that is just me, because apparently it works well enough to bring in sales. People want to buy from those who appear to be successful, even if the resulting eBook is so full of fluff that it tells the reader basically noting about how the riches are made. If you want to know that, then look at the emails and sales letters. They tell basically the same story over and over, with just the characters and situations changing. They used to be poor, some nearly homeless, until they created this life-changing product.

I looked at some of the sites that were claimed to make a lot of sales. They were 40+ pages long. Give me a break! Do YOU ever read that much before buying anything? Most often you will read the first few paragraphs to see what the product is about, then skip down towards the bottom to see the price tag and bonuses, that usually cost the seller little to nothing anyway. Many times those bonuses are teasers like trial products that get you to buy them too. One of the so-called gurus shocked me when he promoted a furnace sale. Yes, you read that right. He needed a new furnace but did not have enough to pay for it. I thought being a successful marketer meant you COULD pay for things you wanted or needed. I spoke with him personally, had him as a guest speaker on one of my live training calls and respect what he does. I never expected that sale though.

The remaining question in all of this is: Who can you truly believe?

To learn the answer, do some basic research. Search Google, Yahoo! or your favorite search engine. If that person is truly popular, they should have several hundred or thousands of sites linking to them. Go to affiliate discussion forums and search for the product or author name. Read what others are saying about the author.

In the end, when you have followed the teachings of someone you can connect with and feel comfortable learning from, stay with them and tell others about them. That way, when that person tells you of a product or service that could truly help you, then you will feel much more comfortable taking their advice and buying that product.

I hope this article has helped you, if even in a small way. Just remember to continue researching and learning about how to build your business online.

Jim Hutchinson is the Project Manager for Website Managers, LLC. He has studied Internet Marketing from some of the most influential leaders. Many of those resources are available on Affiliate Referral Sources.

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Challenging Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is perhaps the easiest yet most powerful traffic-generating and marketing tool in this day and age. Millions of marketers and bloggers are using this technique not only to drive quality traffic to their websites but also to establish their knowledge and expertise on their chosen niche.

Here are the 4 challenging secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Get the attention of online users - at all cost. By this, I mean be desperate for attention. You need to get more people to read your articles to increase their chances of being read and republished to effectively augment your quality inbound links. You can easily do this by using powerful and attention-grabbing titles that are direct to the point, keyword-rich, short, and communicate the benefits that your articles can offer.

2. Deliver new information. Steer clear from re-writing existing articles online and research for new topics that will interest your potential audience. Strive to give them something fresh or information that are seldom discussed on the web. This will add more value to your content that will boost your expert status online.

3. Write simply. If you want to easily create a name online, you need to make sure that you write to inform your readers and not to impress them. Forget your love for big words and strive to make it simple and easier for your readers to get the points you are trying to get across. Stick with simple terms and easy to understand writing format.

4. Take advantage of major article submission sites. Your goal in publishing your articles online is to give them enough exposure to effectively reach your target market. That is why, it is important that you carefully choose the publishing sites where you will post your articles. Stick with those which have great page ranking and steady traffic and don't waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Powerful Article Marketing - Latest 5 Rewarding Methods to Explode Your Article Marketing

The online competition to get people's attention cannot be stiffer these days. Everyone would like to get ahead of the pack so they can have an edge and entice more online users to their website. With this kind of competition, how can you ever survive online? Well, you need to explode your article marketing efforts using these 5 rewarding methods:

1. Aside from article submission sites, look for other avenues where you can post your articles. The more exposure you get, the better the chances of your articles being picked up and republished. Post them on your blog, to websites syndicated by Google News, forums, social bookmarking sites, and use them as content when you publish your ezine. You can also compile them to create an ebook which you can use as a viral marketing tool.

2. Your articles must be search-engine friendly. Download keyword suggestion software that you can use to identify the keywords that are highly searched for by your target market. Use these on your content so your articles will match the searches being made by your potential readers.

3. Keep your articles short and sweet. Avoid making your articles lengthy that they become boring to read. Learn how to communicate your ideas in the most straightforward way possible. Strike out too many introductions and offer valuable information upfront.

4. Quality over quantity. People will judge your knowledge, expertise, and credibility based on the quality of your content. Even if you have few articles posted online, you can still make a mark if your contents are useful, well-written, informative, and timely.

5. Be factual. Remember, you write to inform. People who consider you as an expert will listen to your ideas and follow your suggestions. Thus, it is important that you don't mislead them by checking all your data before posting your articles online.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.