
Monday, June 9, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Articles are a great way to generate traffic real quickly online. After all, they are viral traffic generators that work round the clock to bring traffic to your site almost effortlessly. But taking it step further, how do we take this killer tactic offline?

One way is to submit your article as content to be published. Newspapers and magazines are often looking for freelancing writers, but this is a difficult way to get your article in a publication as there are tons of competition.

A better way is to use your article in an editorial ad. An editorial ad is ad that reads like any other article, but the intention is not just to inform, but also to promote. You can create a direct response ad with one of your best articles and submit it to a relevant offline publication as an advertisement.

The key to success with this method is to choose an article that ties in with your business. If readers like what they see in your article and it leaves them hungry for more, then youll definitely see more leads and sales. Be sure to also choose the right publication to fire your ad out. Youd want the publication to be one that has a loyal readership base, and youd also want to see ads in the publication that are similar to yours. If there are ads that are running every month or every week in the publication, it means these ads are pulling in the money!

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

If there is one easy way to make money online, it is through writing and distributing your articles to various publishing sites. This process which is commonly referred to as article marketing can effectively drive quality traffic to your website and augment your sales potentials.

Here are the 4 outstanding ways to make money through article marketing:

1. Constantly improve your writing skills. This is one of the most effective secrets if you want to get ahead of the pack. Make it a habit to write articles on a regular basis or read articles and ebooks that can effectively help you smoothen out the rough edges of your writing. By doing so, you can be assured that you will be able to deliver better articles each time you write.

2. Create killer resource box. If your resource box contains your website's URL alone, you are missing a lot of opportunities. To make it work for you, make sure that you include your name, your title, your elevator pitch and your powerful call to action. You can also offer incentives or communicate your desire to help to make it even more enticing.

3. Multiply the number of your articles. One of the elements that can guarantee you success in article marketing is the quantity of your output. Remember, the more articles you submit, the more quality inbound links you will obtain for your website.

4. Outsource. If you are like most webmasters who are always swamped with other marketing activities or someone who doesn't have a knack for writing, you can still utilize this marketing tool by hiring ghostwriters or article posters. Just make sure that your ghostwriters understand your niche very well and have the ability to create articles that are targeted to the needs and demands of your potential clients.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

There are many effective marketing strategies and among them the most tried and tested marketing strategy is direct mailing. Initially the onus was on the companies to implement them, but now they have the option to hire companies specializing in mailing services. These companies specialize in various fields of mailing services like post card mailing, bulk mail services. These companies offer complex direct mail services in packages that include activities from digital printing to mailing.

Outsourcing mailing services usually proves to be a smart business decision that saves you money and most importantly valuable time that can be utilized in other work areas. The advantages of hiring an external body to do the mailing services are many like:

- Avail professional touches: Since its the core business activity of the hired company, you can be assured of getting a highly professional touch to your mailer. They posses advanced printing machinery, which are expensive to buy otherwise. They can even offer professional design support for producing attractive post card mailers for a striking first impression. For instance they would print addresses and barcodes, thus giving a professional look to the mail.

- Reach out wide range of target audience: Mailing services help you reach out the masses in a short time. Mails are easy to send across to the prospective customers spreading across a wide geographical area. Though it is an impersonal and one-way communication it is still cheaper and faster than a sale man visiting each customer.

- Low cost profitable advertising: Mailing services are low on cost and highly profitable mode of advertising. Even if the number of positive responses may not be 100 percent, still the recall effect is impressively high. Direct mailing service enables directly targeting the intended customers.

- One Stop to meet all mailing services needs: Mailing service companies provide a range of services that can fulfill all your requirements for direct mail service. The list of services includes mail designing, mailing list certification, mailing list rental, copywriting support, printing, industry based focus, web based mailing services etc.

- Its cheaper than doing it by self: Since mailing service providers do it day in and day out, they know it well where and how they can down cost and save money and still give the best output. For instance they know it well what is the right size of a postcard that can be mailed with minimum postage cost.

Lira is a marketing consultant and advises companies on various marketing strategies they can adopt. She recommends that you visit for further information on mailing services.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Building article directories is all the rage now. Practically every time I submit an article I get a pop-up asking me if I'd like to build an article directory like the one I'm visiting. But I have no interest in that. I like to write and submit articles.

Is article marketing just a phase? I don't think so, look at where television was just 50 years ago and see how it has grown. The Internet is the television of future. Millions of people worldwide are entertained and informed by it every day. And one thing that is an absolute necessity for the Internet to continue growing is the need for fresh content. Just like television, both mediums need a constant source of fresh material to present to the public. That is very good news for those of us in the article business, and for that reason, I believe that article marketing is here to stay. The question is, as article writers, how can we capitalize on that? The answer is; write and submit targeted articles and add a well thought out resource box to each article.

By designing a good, well-conceived resource box, you can maximize the number of clicks each article generates. For each article I write, I design a different resource box. It is targeted specifically to the content of that article. In the first line, I add a link to your main site's opt-in page. In the sentence or two that follows, give a short description of what your site offers. Make sure you tell viewers the benefits of visiting your site. If they click through to your website, give them good reasons to sign-in. Promise free downloads. On my website, I offer them the opportunity to view and download numerous articles, pdf's and information on a number of techniques to generate money by writing articles.

Following that information, skip a line to start a new paragraph. In that section of the resource box, offer either one of your own products or an affiliate item. Follow that with a short sentence on how it would benefit the reader to through to that item.

Again, you should skip a line here and start a third paragraph. In this final section, provide a link on an additional product you are promoting. Try to vary the products and the order of their appearance.

Maximize viewer response by using three separate paragraphs. Using these techniques, your links will stand out more prominently, and you will dramatically increase the number of clicks.

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

To tell you the truth, you need to make more than two hundred articles in order to become truly successful with your articles. I suggest that you write at least 10-20 articles everyday. If you don't your going to be left in the dust. This is a fact! Why is that so? Because the article marketer who floods the market the fastest and the most is going to come out on top. There is no escaping that truth.

You have to write countless amounts of articles about the industry that your in in order to become successful in your article marketing. This is called the flooding method, and it is the best working article marketing strategy. The more articles that you write, the more that your articles will be available in your market, which means the more clicks to your website. When you do article marketing, you create an article to get people to click on your URL link. That is why your article is made. It was born to get readers to click on it's link. You can do this more effectively if you write tons of articles.

I don't mean tons as in just 50. I mean hundreds. You have to flood the market with your information filled articles more than anyone else. When you do, you are going to come out on top, and your going to be the one who is getting all the clicks in your market. It's not crazy to think that your article will end up on Google. It's easily possible if you flood your market. It all depends on your determination and dedication. You are not going to see the amazing results that articles can really give you, if you don't write hundreds of articles about your industry. This is a fact that will never ever change.

Looking for new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons! Check out my website at

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 3 Nifty Secrets to Excel with Article Marketing

Today, the fastest way to drive online users to your website is to give them what they are looking for - information. When you are able to impart your knowledge and you were able to help people to resolve their pressing issues, you can be assured that they will check on your website to either make a purchase or subscribe to your newsletters.

Here are the 3 nifty secrets to excel with article marketing:

1. Your articles must be useful. Write while keeping your readers in mind and give them the kind of information that they will find valuable and useful. You can provide answer to their burning questions to shed some light on particular issues or give them a handful of great tips that can either improve their skill level or empower them to do certain things on their own. By doing so, you can lure online users to read your content in their entirety and increase the chances of your resource box of being clicked.

2. Your articles must be keyword-rich. Before you write you articles, identify the keywords that you will be targeting on your content. A little research using keyword suggestion tool will go along the way. Right now, the acceptable keyword density is anywhere within 1-3%. That means that if you are writing a 500-word article, you should include your main keyword 5-15 times in your content. It is important that your keywords sound natural and blend nicely with your content so you will not annoy your readers.

3. Use snappy titles. This is one of the most important elements in article marketing yet it is usually overlooked especially by new marketers. Remember, your title is the first thing that your potential clients will see with regards to your article. If your title is not well-written and boring, you can be assured that your articles will be left unread no matter how informative and well-written they are.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.