
Friday, May 16, 2008

Business Referrals - 5 Easy Steps To Increase Your List Of Referral Partners To 100

  • Do you obtain much of your business through referrals from others-from people who know, trust, and like you?
  • Is your network of referral partners producing the number of referrals you want?
  • Do you want to increase the size and quality of your referral partner network?

Getting business by referral from other people is one of the best ways to grow your business. If you want to earn more business by referral, you have to be involved in a referral partner network that is large enough so it can provide you with a steady stream of new business. Referral partners are people who are in touch with your prospective clients on a regular basis.

For example, if a business provides web site design services to small business, their referral partners may include graphic artists, copywriters, business coaches, etc.

Get the picture?

By actively seeking out referral partners, you will increase your chances of developing relationships with people who can refer business to you on a regular basis.

A network of 100 referral partners is usually large enough to provide you with enough business. Yet, is not too large that you can't handle staying in touch with them---perhaps monthly with an eZine publication, or meeting them quarterly for coffee or lunch.

Building Your Referral Partner List

Here are the 5 steps you can take to build your referral partner list:

  1. Think about who your potential client is, and brainstorm what type of business services they need to operate their business. This information will give you clues about what other professional categories may be good referral partners. Develop a list of 10 professional categories.
  2. For each professional category you identified, actively seek to make the acquaintance of 10 people. There's a good chance you already know people in these occupations. If you need more individuals to increase your list to 10, ask current business associates if they know individuals they would recommend. Then, ask them if they would introduce these people to you.
  3. Schedule a time to meet with your potential referral partners. Meeting these individuals provides you an opportunity to tell them about your products and services, and their benefits. It also gives potential partners the opportunity to tell you about their products and services, as well.

    At your meetings, provide prospective referral partners specific details about your market niche so they will be able to quickly identify if a prospect is right for your business. For example, if you are seeking businesses that generate $1M to $5M in revenues, and operate in the metalworking industry, give your referral partner this information.

  4. When you meet someone who seems willing to send you referrals, add their name to your referral partner list until eventually you attain 10 people x 10 occupations = 100 referral partners
  5. Once you have 100 names on your referral partner list, and you've made acquaintances, develop your tactics for how you will stay in touch and build relationships.

    Some ideas about how to do this are; develop a tickler file to remind you to contact and meet them, send out a monthly eZine to keep your business top-of-mind, attend networking functions they may attend, send greeting cards, or invite them to a cocktail or holiday party. The methods you can use to keep in touch are endless!

    TIP: Contact your referral partners at least one time every three months-once a month is even better!

Over time, you may find some people are not good referral sources. Replace them on your list to keep it fresh.

Bonita L. Richter, Entrepreneur's Guru, founder of Profit Strategies, teaches entrepreneurs and business owners how to start and grow businesses, attract more clients, and market their businesses to increase sales, business success, and wealth. She is a former officer/owner of a multi-million dollar manufacturing firm with over 25 years experience in business management. For FREE tips on how to craft the successful business you desire, visit

Article Marketing Service-Helping Other Businesses Opens the Door For Business Success!

Article marketing service is what you need to market your articles. Article marketing is important for you as a money-making netizen as well as for any business. Article marketing helps in building a customer base and traffic to your website as well as helps to increase your overall business brand.

Article marketing services provided by different websites and directories are available all over the Internet. Article marketing net will spread your articles to more and more websites and directories around the world.

Advertising article marketing will help you to spread your ads among your target audience. It will ensure that you get the maximum output from your advertising effort at the lowest cost.

What type of articles should you write or have written to promote through article marketing services?

Write niche marketing articles, which are necessary to attract customers from different niches to your website. These niche marketing articles are the base for improved, efficient, and effective niche marketing strategies.

Article marketing web sites are necessary for you to send your articles across the Internet to different audiences and different target markets. They will help you to spread your articles among your prospects.

Internet marketing articles for small business can help other small business owners. Many of them are not aware of the power of internet marketing today. Many of them do not know how to do it. Internet marketing articles for small business will immensely help them.

Only original articles should be used for article marketing. Infringement of copyright or plagiarism will destroy your reputation and will land you in legal problems. Websites that market articles publish original articles only. So, use only original articles for this purpose.

Also write marketing strategy articles, strategic marketing articles, internet marketing articles and other articles which will help other people. Such articles are mostly encouraged by the article marketing services. Then only, you can have a loyal reader base which may convert to your loyal customer base. After all, it is an immutable law of the universe that in giving we open the door to receive.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier original content marketing articles service provider and your unfair advantage in creating original articles,search engine optimized for top placement in Google, in order to secure the search engine daily visits to your website as being listed #1 in your niche for all of your niche's most searched keyterms and phrases. Also, your customers will be pre-screened before coming to your website because they have just read an article that targets them to what you provide and have decided to click on the link in your resource box to take the next step. To make your next step the next level for your business by putting the professional team of writers at ArticlesInMyInbox to work for you, just visit

Article Marketing - 4 Steps to Advance in Article Marketing

Article marketing is getting more attention these days. Why? It gives you the chance to supply articles you have written to other web sites, blogs and others without fees.

The more often you contribute articles, the more people get to your website. Article marketing makes you known since your bio and links appear at the resource box found at the end of your article.

Article marketing serves several purposes. It has its benefits as well as setting up yourself as an authority in your field. It also shows the way for traffic generation and enhanced search engine rank.

Article marketings popularity paved the way for software packages and websites to organize your articles without difficulty to hundreds of visitors and other sites. RSS feeds are one way to syndicate your articles through different channels.

The four steps to advance in article marketing is using the right keywords, well-written and originality of content. The fresher and relevant the content, the more chances of getting read.

Your article must have an effective title, a hook, and must be very interesting. The ideas must simple and well outlined. If statistics are used, these must be recent, presented clearly and must be reliable.

Article marketing is a boost to websites. So freshen up your website regularly. The search engine will be seeing something new each time, and hence boost your rankings.

It paves the way for new prospects and brings in a deluge of intended visitors straight to your website. Having great content is first and foremost a very effective internet marketing tactic. Your content must have the integrity to gain your visitors trust. This should never be compromised

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? Secrets of Article Marketing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

Article Marketing - The Second Step to a Prospect-Pulling Resource Box at the End of Your Articles

Article marketing on the article directories is a two fold process. In the body of the article you give - good, useable information. In the resource box you are ready to receive - the readers clicking through to your web site to become visitors, subscribers, prospects and customers.

Many people falsely believe that the resource box is the place to tell the reader all about you and your many accomplishments so they will know you are the expert.

To this notion I offer a loud and hearty NAY!

The first reason I say NAY! is because if you have not demonstrated in the article body that you are an expert, it is way too late to try to do so in the resource box, and the reader probably did not get as far as your resource box anyway.

The second reason I say NAY! is because the resource box is Not About You, hence the strongly spoken word NAY!

An invitation for THEM!

Your resource box is not the place for a virtual ego wall to tell the reader all about your accomplishments, books, and degrees, etc. In most of mine, if I mention my name at all, it is only at the very end of the resource box.

Your resource box is all about the reader and what more they can learn from you and your resources. The purpose of your resource box is to invite the reader into your world by clicking through to your web site or blog and offering them something of value that will improve their lives. Offer them something of value and you can get a very loyal and responsive new prospect.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Popular Steps to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Article marketing has earned the nods of most webmasters, bloggers, and ebusiness owners as it consistently delivers great results that usually lead to improved traffic and higher page ranking. Because of this, almost everyone in the internet are exerting so much effort to perfect this technique and get ahead of the pack. In this article, you will find the top 3 popular steps that can help you advance in article marketing and these are:

1. Content. Although there are various elements that can improve your article marketing campaign, its success will largely depend on the quality of your content. Thus, it is of outmost importance that you make sure that all of your articles are useful, informative, brief, direct to the point, factual, easy and entertaining to read, unique, and highly relevant to your target niche. If you are able to consistently incorporate these elements on your articles, you will surely rise above from the rest in no time.

2. Publishing sites. Once you are able to produce quality articles, picking the best publishing sites will be your next task. Contrary to popular beliefs, you can distribute your articles to other avenues aside from article submission sites. You can post them on your blog, website, social networking sites, forums, and you can even convert them to an ebook which you can use as a viral marketing tool.

3. Resource box. Your resource box serves as a gateway so your readers will be directed to your website. To maximize its full potential, make sure that your resource box is compelling and contains all the essential elements that will entice online users to click your website's URL. Some of these elements are the following: your name, website address, elevator pitch and a powerful call to action.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Internet Marketing - 4 Effective Strategies That Will Boost Your Business

The world of internet marketing is no different than the world of traditional business. There are certain strategies you can use to get ahead and drastically build and/or grow you business. I am just going to tell you about 4 strategies that have been extremely effective for internet marketers. More importantly I will tell you why these strategies have been so effective for internet marketing specifically.

Internet marketing strategies #1 - make it easy to manage your website

Find content management systems or website design software that allows you to changes to your site very easily. The easier it is to setup and manage your website the more time you have to focus on other aspects that matter more, such as your marketing efforts. I often coach internet marketers and the first thing I find out that they are so busy trying to "save" money that they sometimes waste several days working on their website. There are content management systems out there that cost a little more, but are worth it because it gives you more time to make money. The reward is much higher than the amounts you put out to get access to these types of systems.

Internet marketing strategy #2 -Expect some basic expenses

So many people that get into internet marketing expect to be able to everything for nothing. Even though there are quite a bit of things that can be done without any costs, you are always going to be faced with certain expenses. Just your basic costs for running a website and having a good auto-responder system is going to cost you about $30-40 a month. In addition if you want to do effective advertising you should expect to spend some money on SEO and PPC as well. Do what any business should do, take at least 7-10% of what you earn and put it back into marketing. In the beginning you can estimate that you will need to put out that same percentage of what you would like to make. This means that if you would like to make $1.000 expect to spend $70-$100 making it. Your best marketing expenses can be investing in educational material.

Internet marketing strategy #3 - Find good information or mentors

You can do this in one of two ways, either hire someone or gather as much information as you can by doing research. The faster way of the two, is probably hiring a mentor and boost you into making money online very quickly. The gathering and information learning that way require two things of you, first you need to be able to look at what they are doing and understand why they do it that way. The other one is simply getting all the free guides that are given away. You would be amazed with the amount of information that is given away. The downside or possibly a good bonus is that you will probably be required to sign up for multiple opt-in lists to get them. I know people that subscribe to 8-10 different mailing lists just to get access to free information. If you pick the mailing lists you sign up to wisely you can learn quite a bit. Of course buying a book on SEO or hiring a mentor will be quicker and easier, if you find a good one they will be able to work with you and help you understand exactly what it is that you need to do.

Internet marketing strategy #4 - Be active online

Of course you have to actively advertise online that is pretty much a given. One of the extremely underestimated strategies for new internet marketers is the power of chat forums and the willingness to give away advice and help to others. This can be good strategy for those who actually information instead of an actual product, even though it can be great for some products as well. When you chat, and do chat forum advice correctly it can bring you quite a bit of traffic. Do not even try to push people to your product by saying things like "You can find the answer in this product". Make the sale by giving away part of the advice and then you can tell people where you found the information. This is much more effective than telling someone to "buy" the answer. Another way you can be active online is to give away information in other ways, such as maintaining a blog or some other form of free advice or help. No matter which way you choose, giving away information can be effective when done right.

If you think about these 4 strategies they all relate in one way or another, they all deal with how to manage your time and how to invest. There are of course a few more things you need to keep in mind. But these four very basic strategies should at least get you started. I wish you the best of luck with your internet marketing business, if you foundation is good and you understand how to manage your time and your money, you will do great with online marketing. Just like you would with a traditional business, the great news is the risk behind starting an online business is far less of an investment than starting a brick and mortar business.

If you would like more information about internet marketing you can visit our internet marketing blog.

Gudmundur Sigurdarson (Gummi) is the founder of Redknight Marketing, online marketing and website design, Mindformula, life and executive coaching and 10make90, internet marketing resources. He is the former VP of DesignEuropA where he worked with several hundred businesses over the course of 6 years, helping them grow their business both on and off line. Mr. Sigurdarson created the sales manuals, sales training, franchise model and franchise training program for DesignEuropA. In addition Mr. Sigurdarson has written a number of books on personal and professional development, online marketing, website creation and business startup guides. Mr. Sigurdarson has a dedication to helping people succeed, he does this both as an author, corporate trainer, speaker and coach.

Marketing Your Business, Old School -vs- Internet Marketing

Basically, marketing is the presentation of a product to a potential customer. When you can get people thinking and talking about your product, you have a successful marketing campaign.

At one point in my career, during the 1970's, I was a 'shoe dog'. I sold shoes in a posh, upscale mens and womens clothing store. The owner ran weekly advertisements in the local paper, radio ads, the store was listed in both the white and yellow pages in the phone book and the sales staff was trained to maximize the sale once a potential customer walked into the store. Obviously, one of our marketing techniques involved the display of shoes in a pleasing manner. After we welcomed the client into the store and let them know we were available to help, we gave them breathing room. When a client showed interest in a certain shoe, we brought them a couple pairs, similar in color and style, we educated the customers on the benefits of one brand of shoe versus another, we invited the customer to try on the shoes, and finally we offered other products to enhance the shoes (handbags, shoe polish, shoe trees, etc). Also, the sales people had a card file list of customers, their shoe size, their preferences and their contact information. We were encouraged to make personal contact with these customers, offer a special order option, promotion or the arrival of new stock.

How many marketing techniques do you see that were used in the promotion of this shoe store? Lets see...location, visual presentation, show & suggest, education, customer service, and direct marketing. These "old school" techniques are still an important part of business promotions and marketing campaigns today, in the 21st century.

Since that time I have marketed many products; tailoring and fashion design services, clothing and fashion jewelry stores, human resource services, and home repair services. Until recently, all of these "old school" marketing campaigns have resulted in a measurable increase in sales activity.

In August of 2007 I experienced my first business marketing failure. I spent (or wasted) ten weeks on a marketing campaign to promote our family construction business. I used the "old school" method called 'direct marketing'. In other words, over the course of those ten weeks, I contacted my target market of potential customers: property managers, architects, interior designers, etc. I made about 2000 telephone contacts that I followed up with a mailed or faxed flier. Also, I made 50 on-site sales calls and I kept a 'tickler file' for serious leads and followed up on them weekly. My phone bill and postage cost tripled, and, I now have a very extensive marketing file, but, in the end, this marketing campaign failed! NO NEW BUSINESS!

At that point I started searching the internet for solutions. I already had a web site, but I wasn't getting any traffic to it. Almost every set of key words I typed into the browser sent me to a couple of websites for Contractor Referral Services. This was a new concept for me so I decided to try it. In other words, I paid for internet generated leads, about two to three a day. Unfortunately, most of those leads were from home owners simply researching the possibility of hiring a contractor. Still, I paid for those leads whether or not they were legitimate. However, the concept of generating leads on the internet was exciting, so I began the research process to understand why my existing web site was not getting any traffic.

I learned a whole new set of terms: Key words, Adwords, Adsense, Article marketing, Email marketing, Online blogs, Forums, back-end links...etc. All of these terms relate to the process of getting traffic to your web site. There are free articles all over the internet that explain what each of these terms mean and how to implement them into your marketing program.

In the process, I've paid for 'list' services to access OnLine Surveys and OnLine Data Entry Jobs. I've also paid for affiliate marketing training programs and turn-key affiliate web sites. Some of these products are scams, some of them are real legitimate businesses. What I have learned is; There is money to be made on the internet, however, you must apply yourself to the process and you must give yourself some time for the 'learning curve. My best advise to avoid scams; 'google' the product name, followed by 'scam', and check online for a Better Business Bureau report.

Marketing on the internet is here and it is here to stay. More and more, the internet is the place people go to for information, news, social contact and entertainment. In light of this fact, internet marketing should be one of the tools businesses use to market their product.

My advise to small business owners is: Along side all of the "old school" marketing techniques, make internet marketing part of your next marketing campaign.

Lynn Albro

Increase Your Page Rank Through SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) must be considered a process and over time you can build your ranking and traffic.

Remember, Rome wasnt built in a day.

This article provides 10 SEO tips that will build your search engine rank.

1. Title

The Title is (usually) the hyperlink provided in the search results so make sure its people friendly. Put the most important keyword first, followed by the 2ndIf you need to have your Company name there (branding), put it at the end.

2. Meta descriptions

Use the keywords once or twice in your Meta description. It can be the text that shows up in the description area of the search engine results.

3. H Tags (and proper use)

Have your keywords in an H1 tag at the top of your page embedded in a good description. Not only will it help your rankings but many times the search engines will actually display it in their results.

4. Keyword positioning (on the page)

Have your main keywords high up in the page (the higher the better). The most valuable real estate on a web page is top left corner people (& engines) read left to right starting from the top.

5. Number and Quality of inbound links

Each link from another web site acts like a vote of confidence A link implies that the site believes your site has value.

However, all links are not equal. You must get links from sites that have a similar theme to yours ONLY! Anything else may actually hurt your page rank.

6. Linking Text/Description

When building a link campaign, make sure to use keywords in the link. For example, a link with click here doesnt help you with search engines. A link such as Internet Marketing is much more effective (if thats your keyword).

Also, dont forget to use keywords in your linking description as well.

For the most thorough ebook on developing a strong linking campaign read Jack Humphreys Power Linking 2: Evolution! (

7. Content is King

Not only is quality content what people are looking for, but content is also what the search engines are looking for. Content is basically food for the search engines.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT try to trick search engines with useless content. Not only wont this work, but it will bother potential customers. Also, while you want to mention your keyword, DO NOT keyword stuff. A too high word density will penalize you make it natural.

8. File size

Keep file size as small as possible. It will make for faster loading pages, happier visitors and the search engines like them.

9. Bold & Italic

Its good practice to highlight your keywords in your copy a few times, but dont overdo it.

10. Alt tags in image links

Search engines can read text but they cant see a pictures. Putting in Alt text for a graphic tells the search engine what it is about and also helps people who have their graphics turned off. Make sure to put your keywords in your Alt tags.

Here is an example:

Once your site is optimized for the search engines, you can then start submitting your site. Practice these tips and over time you will see your search engine rank increase.

Copyright 2004 Adam Waxler

About The Author

Adam Waxler owns and operates The Money Teacher web site and publishes The Money Teachers Home Business Tips Newsletter teaching others how to reach online success. To get your free newsletter subscription send a blank email to: or visit our web site at

Full-Time Article Marketing - 3 Ways To Market Your Articles For Bigger Profits

Ever wanted to make a full-time income just from writing articles? Well it's very possible. There are probably thousands of people who do just that: writing articles for a living online.

Here are 3 ways you can market your articles for bigger profits and create a consistent full-time income:

1) Freelancing

Writing articles for others is a guaranteed way to make an income. Write the articles, submit them to your client and get paid. It is as simple as that. And its guaranteed money. You can make up to $5 for a 250-word article (which can be completed in 15 minutes with practice) or $10 for a 500-word article. This is a way to make $100 a day just writing articles, but it does require some effort and hard work.

2) Sell affiliate products

Promote affiliate products with your articles by using them to pre-sell the products on your website, blog or by submitting your content to article directories. You can link to affiliate products in your article itself, or in your article resource box. Do note that some article directories do not allow linking directly to an affiliate sales page. However, you can link to your website or blog and take it from there.

3) Generate website traffic

Articles are also a great free way to generate publicity and traffic for your website. If you have tons of articles out there with your name on it, it is good publicity for you and it also gets visitors to your website. A 'can't lose' situation, really.

So get to writing articles now. Don't delay.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Internet Marketing Coach Tip Nine - Hire A Coach Or Mentor If Needed

This is a new article in my ongoing series of internet marketing coach articles. In this article I would like to discuss the importance of finding a mentor if you feel confused, frustrated,and without direction in your new online or internet marketing business.

Why is it important to find a mentor or internet marketing coach while you are operating your new online business or internet marketing opportunity? The answer to this question is plain and simple. Sometimes you cannot run your new online business or internet marketing opportunity alone. If you are new in internet marketing or just started a new online business, it will be very difficult for you to succeed without support. Many times individuals in a new online or internet marketing business get assigned a sponsor who refuses to take calls. I had this happen to me when I started my new online business, and it was the absolute worst feeling in the world. I also had a sponsor give me horrible advice and he had me join another program (useless) where he made commissions on me. At that time I certainly could have used a good internet marketing coach or mentor!

An internet marketing coach or mentor can also help you to set goals for yourself when you are feeling lazy, unmotivated, or discouraged. The support is important, and it is very similar when somebody hires a fitness coach or trainer. We may be more apt to set short and long term goals and complete our tasks when we have an internet marketing coach on our side who is prompting us and guiding us in our success.

I advise you to hire a mentor or internet marketing coach if you are floundering in your new online business or just not getting the results that you desire or expect. Sometimes just one or two sessions will help to set you on the right track. You can also read internet marketing coach articles and tips as well, if you do not have the money to hire someone to work with you directly.

Good luck with all of your new online or work from home endeavors! I wish you all of the success in the world!

Michelle Tukachinsky

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Latest Methods to Increase Your Article Marketing

If you are looking for a perfect marketing tool that can help you create and strengthen your business relationship with you potential clients, drive more interested people to your website, improve your search engine ranking, and boost your online revenue, article marketing is for you. This is currently the most used marketing tool that is preferred by millions of webmasters from around the globe because it doesn't only delivers but it is also cost-effective.

1. Write from the readers' perspective. Write your articles while keeping your potential clients in mind. What information do they need to see on your content? What is their preferred writing style? How long should your articles run before you bore your readers? Questions like these can help you better serve your audience by making your content more targeted to their needs and preferences.

2. You need to be determined. When you decide to sink your teeth into this marketing tool, you have to understand that success does not come overnight. You have to consistently write and publish articles on a regular basis to continuously create traffic for your website. Do not lose hope and just give up even if you don't see favorable results within the first couple of weeks. Experts agree that you need at least 150-300 articles before you can drive substantial amount of traffic to your website.

3. Empathize. As an internet market, you need to win your potential clients' trust so they will like you and consider doing business with you. Show concern and communicate your desire to help on your content so your readers will feel that you are after their welfare and not just their money.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Does Content Relevancy Factor Overrule Page Rank Of The Site In Coming Up In SERP's?

Page rank of the site is a important factor to come up in search results for a particular keyword but, it is observed that content relevancy factor overrules page rank. The question arises - does content relevancy factor overrules page rank of the site in coming up in SERP's? This common question comes to every SEO's mind while doing search engine optimization of a site.

It is seen that Google depends a lot on content relevancy factor when displaying results to the user. Google does this on purpose as by doing this it can supply the most relevant results to the user and hence enhance user search experience. Now we have to analyze what is content relevancy factor. We take a example if we search hotels in mumbai then Google will show a site whose theme would accurately match the searched keywords and would ignore sites in the same category but a broader theme like hotels in India or world's top hotels even though those sites might have higher page ranks.

Content relevancy factor depends on following things on a website

  • Title of the page, does title exactly matches or closely matches the keyword researched
  • Meta keywords and meta description contain the keyword searched
  • Keyword density on the page for a particular keyword searched
  • Anchor text of internal links pointing to that page
  • Anchor text of external links pointing to that page

Search engine analyzes these factors before displaying the results to the user. Search engine also awards relevant points to the location of the user and content relevant according to the specific geographic location of that user. This is a important point which a SEO should note while doing optimization work for a web site.

Article written by Anuj Arora, SEO Edynamic Softech Solutions visit for more information on web site optimization services

How To Find Profitable Products To Promote - Identifying And Modeling Super Affiliates

As affiliate marketers, should we be leaving our product selection decisions to gossip and intuition. Brad Callen apparently does not believe that we should. He developed Affiliate Elite to provide current data to help us make those marketing decisions. Inside Affiliate Elite, Project #1 is titled: How to find profitable products to promote. Do you think that the identity and campaign details of the super affiliates would help us select products form marketing strategies?

Just in case you did not answer yes to that question, the reason we would want to know the identities of the super affiliates and their marketing strategies for a specific product is that we could then pattern our activities after theirs. Do what successful people are doing, improving upon it if possible. That is a solid success strategy. Affiliate Elite identifies the super affiliates. AE tracks and identifies their strategies all in later projects. Project #1 also reveals important information. The lower tab referred provides a time line for the percentage of sales which are completed by affiliates. The remainder are completed by the merchant. If the referred percentage is very high and almost 100%, then you will need to use later projects to identify the super affiliates. If the referred percentage is significantly less than 100%, say 70%, then that means that 30% of all net sales are completed by the merchant. 30% of all sales for a product is awesome. Then the merchant is the super affiliate.

If the merchant is completing a disproportionate percentage of the sales volume, then is this not an opportunity for an affiliate to operate against less competition? Later projects will tell us the keywords, the ad copy, the web pages, the marketing strategy of any super affiliate, but if the merchant is the super affiliate, it is even easier. Just copy the strategy of the merchant and improve it slightly where possible. If you highlight a product and then click the bottom link for referred, then you will see the time trends of affiliate sales volume. If this value is increasing, then affiliates are becoming more active. If this value is decreasing over time, then the merchant is becoming more active. Remember all other values must be assumed constant when making this type of analysis. In this example, I am assuming you have already established that the product has an increasing popularity using the gravity tab as described previously. So if product sales are rising and referred is falling, then the merchant is likely running promotions or some successful marketing activity. Use the other projects to identify the activities and jump on board.

Again, much less gossip and intuition. Much more data and time trends. Brad Callen and Affiliate Elite will change affiliate marketing forever.

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Amazing Article Marketing - Discover 4 Maximum Ways to Excel with Article Marketing

As you know, article marketing is the process of writing and distributing your articles online. But do you know how you can excel in this marketing tool and get ahead of the pack?

In this article, I will tell you the 4 maximum ways to improve your article marketing to augment your website's traffic, improve your search engine ranking, increase your sales potentials, and obtain maximum online revenue.

1. Avoid using duplicated content. This can greatly tarnish your online credibility. Nobody would trust a marketer who doesn't have the ability to produce articles on his own. If you don't have the knack for writing, I suggest that you hire ghostwriters who can provide you with quality articles for reasonable prices. Although you will have to spend money on this method, you will get the credit online and you can establish yourself as an expert.

2. More articles mean more traffic. Strive to produce and submit articles on a regular basis. As you know, each submission grants you one quality inbound link. Thus, it follows that if you are aiming at driving huge traffic to your site, you must be willing to multiply the number of your submission.

3. Go with the best publishing sites. Submit your articles to submission sites that have quick review and posting time, have steady and huge traffic, and those that are indexed by Google. These are the sites that can give your articles maximum exposure to increase their chances of being picked up and republished.

4. Optimize your articles. The success of your article marketing effort largely depends on how easy it would be for online users to find your articles online. Convince search engines to index your articles by sprinkling just the right amount of keywords on your content.

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Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Expert Panels, Quality Control Boards and the Future of Online Articles

It has been surmised that a panel may be needed to check into the credentials and expert status of online article authors to see if they pass the proper standards test or can cut the mustard. Many seasoned experts are a little miffed that some online article authors write "thinly veiled" content. A few have floated the idea of setting a panel or quality control board to serve this process.

But is that even feasible? Some of the top online article writers believe that it is not such an easy task and perhaps may not even be feasible. Indeed, I think I agree with this line of thought in that a quality board is way out of the question as some days there are well over 1,000 articles submitted in a single 24-hour period on one top online article submission website and thus it is simply outrageous how much work that might be.

Indeed I also agree that the "human innate characteristics" of small panel group participants is a given, thus a panel in itself would be problematic. For instance who watches the panel and then are their disputes on rulings, thus rules. And once you make "one rule" well you got em' lifetime job security? And even if a panel could decide what an expert is, that would be a definition. Which brings up an interesting question?

Definitions and rules is a similar process, in that if you make one definition, you are forever further redefining it and creating more. This leads to bureaucracy which is indeed leads to less fluidity of motion, and less agility, thus ruins all the good that is. If you have more definitions, rules and panels all you have created is more minutia and less efficiency, to what avail?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Discover 5 Nifty Secrets to Advance with Article Marketing

A lot of online entrepreneurs, particularly those who are just starting up, are looking for ways on how they can popularize their website and promote their products online without spending too much on advertising cost. If you are one of them, I'd say use article marketing. This is one of the free online marketing tools that can not only draw qualified traffic to your website, it can also help you establish your expertise online so you can easily earn the trust of your potential clients and easily urge them to do business with you.

Here are the 5 nifty secrets to advance with article marketing:

1. Employ effective ways to stir the right kind of attention online. Your copies need to be noticed so you can increase their chances of being opened and read. Kick-start your articles with attention-grabbing and interesting titles that can easily get online users to take a second look at your content. Your titles must be short but striking and they must contain powerful words that can easily evoke action or touch emotions.

2. Offer useful information. Before you write your articles, identify the problems, questions, or inadequacy within your target niche. Then, strive to provide solutions and answers that will truly help your readers. Helping your potential clients resolve their pressing issues or shed some light so they can better understand certain things is the best way to convince them to trust you and eventually purchase your products.

3. Widely distribute your articles. If you want to easily boost the number of your inbound links, don't be contented with article submission sites and directories as you can also post them on forums, relevant blogs, and on your website to increase their exposure. This could mean widening your reach so you can better connect with your potential clients.

4. Multiply the number of your articles. Augmenting the number of your copies can offer a couple of benefits. It can strengthen your online presence, boost the number of your inbound links, and sustain your expert status online as you can provide more valuable information to your readers.

5. Optimize your content. Use the most popular search terms within your target niche on your articles so you can make them search-engine friendly. Just make sure that you follow appropriate keyword density so your articles will not be rejected by both publishers and search engines.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Should I Use Article Marketing Techniques Or Do I Bum It?

Article Marketing is a successful way to acquire traffic for your website. It has become more popular recently especially with the coined term Bum Marketing. There are differences to each technique, but basically they are both Article Marketing Techniques.

Article Marketing is easy to implement and can be very effective for acquiring free search engine traffic. For the record it is considered off page SEO.

Basically, you write a short 300 to 500 word article on a niche market keyword and add a keyword rich link in your bio box to the website you want to promote. You then submit the article to one of the many article directory sites and anywhere from 2 days to two weeks you should be listed in the search engines.

Repeat the above step a few times with different articles in the same niche as your website with another niche keyword linking back to your website and you will be listed very fast in the search engines.

Bum Marketing is a name that was coined in the last year. It is exactly the same as Article Marketing but with a slight twist.

You would write the same short 300 to 500 word article on a niche market keyword. But, this time you want to use what is called a long tail keyword.

This keyword is so exact in its phrasing that usually has very small amounts of searches done using it every month. And, the kicker is that it has very little and sometimes no competition for that keyword. This means that there is practically no website competing to use the keyword. If you are really lucky there is also little to no PPC programs using that keyword.

Long tail keywords are popular now because it is felt that anyone that does search for this type of keyword is a hungry buyer. It is reasoned that a searcher is looking for a precise item for example charcoal pre-filter for Honeywell Air Cleaner instead of using the general keyword, Air Cleaner. General keywords are considered hard to convert to sales. A searcher of a general keyword is a so called tire kicker who is shopping around but has not made up his mind to buy.

Finally, in the authors bio box of a Bum Marketing article you link directly to the affiliate program you want to promote instead of linking to your website. I think it is similar to the Google Cash promotion method used in promoting via Adwords.

In a nutshell these are the differences between Article Marketing and Bum Marketing. Both are very effective at becoming a successful Affiliate Marketer.

Don't Be pig-headed like me! I have been an affiliate marketer for the last 3 years. I, like a lot of other affiliate marketers are sometimes pig-headed and have learned the hard way how to have a successful career in affiliate marketing. Hint: Learn to spend your hard earned dollars wisely on Affiliate Marketing Materials. My goal is to speed up your learning time and keep you from needlessly spending money buying affiliate products that just dont work. Read my reviews at: Affiliate Marketing Book Reviews.

Profitable Article Marketing - Revealed - 6 Amazing Methods to Excel With Article Marketing

Everybody would like to excel with article marketing because they would like to maximize the benefits they can get from this marketing and product promotional tool. If you are one of them, you can surely make use of these 6 amazing methods in taking your marketing strategies to the next level:

1. Article marketing is the easiest way to obtain quality inbound links for your website as every submission grants you one backlink. Take advantage of this and multiply the number of your submission so you can easily pull up your search engine ranking while strengthening your online presence.

2. Be an expert. By this, I simply mean be a great source of information to your readers so they will find your articles useful and valuable to their lives. Offer sound solutions to their problems and provide enlightening answers to their burning questions.

3. Consider the rules of article submission sites. If you don't want your efforts and time to go to waste, increase the chances of your articles being accepted and posted online by following all the rules set by the publishers. These include; your articles must be free from blatant ads, inappropriate content, and hyperlinks anywhere on the article body. Your articles must also run at least 300 words and they must contain just the right amount of keywords so you will not be tagged as a keyword spammer.

4. Keep your articles short. As you are writing articles for the web, you have to understand that the audience you are serving have short attention span and they don't have the luxury of time to spend hours on reading your articles. You can help them out by simply making your articles short, concise, and brief as much as possible. Avoid using fillers and don't beat around the bush. Instead, offer your information upfront and just get straight to the point.

5. Empathize. Let your readers know that you do understand where they are coming from by putting yourself into their shoes when writing your content. People simply love it when somebody can empathize with them and understand the things they are going through. By doing this, you will surely earn the trust of your readers and you can easily convert them to potential clients.

6. Proofread. Don't put your credibility at stake by making sure that all your articles are factual and free from any kinds of errors. This can be done by manually proofreading your copies before you make them available online.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

MLM MasterMind Secrets - Building a Name for Yourself on the Web

To succeed in an MLM opportunity using internet marketing you need to understand the principles of attraction based marketing. This means building a name for yourself and recognition in your niche. You want to be like that trustworthy logo that people will might pay a little bit extra for because they have faith and trust in it's quality. So you need to work for this.

Developing a name for your self in your niche means developing that trust. Usually you will either have to spend some money or work hard for less to accomplish this. It requires promotional deals and special offers to get people in the door. Would you try that new product over the well trusted one if it wasn't selling with a fifty percent discount? Probably not. People will initially view you the same way.

I find it works really well to get people interested in your business opportunity by initially giving away an information product. If it is valuable enough as well as relevant to your product and/or business it will also be an effective marketing campaign for later up sells. However, some niches might require that you need to nearly give away one of your lower end products. This is still worth it, you're building a name and a database.

Once people opt in to your free product or purchase your promotional deal you have them listed in your database. Now you have the chance to continually feed them tidbits of information and details about how successful you are and how successful they can become. Facts are always useful so it helps to have generated some success but sometimes you need to stretch the truth in order to later make it the truth. Especially with business and marketing.

Jonathan Budd Is An Expert Internet Marketer Who Shows Network Marketers How To Use Cutting Edge Technology To PROFIT To No End In Their Businesses At:

Licensed to Quit Your Day Job

So, you have a job that you hate, you're working long hours for poor pay, your quality of life is lousy, you hardly ever see your kids and when you do, you're too tired to spend any quality time with them. What you want is to be your own boss and earn enough money to spend time only working when you want to and relaxing when you don't want to work, but life isn't like that, is it?

Internet Marketing could be the answer, but most internet marketing methods take weeks to put together, they're limited by the products they involve or they require a PhD in Marketing to understand. The result of that is failure - not because the systems don't work, but because they don't work effectively in the time span that your financial situation allows. You need to find something that doesn't necessarily take up a lot of time, that you can try whilst you have your day job, but can earn enough so that you can wind down the day job and take the leap into becoming a full-time internet marketer. If you could find a system which generated an income in a quick and effective way, and one that you could use time and time again, you'd want to hear more, right? It could possibly be the thing that you've been looking for, generating an income that could make life more comfortable.

Two highly successful 'Under The Radar' Internet Marketers have spent the last two months testing a simple income system. What they found could be your way into full-time Internet Marketing. It's a simple, quick method that can be replicated time and time again - but the real power of this system is that it could bridge the gap between your job and becoming a full-time internet marketer. They don't claim that it will make you six-figures a month, but it can make $4-5000 and that would make a difference and give you a little more freedom.

And how long have you been looking for that information? Successful marketers Sara Brown and Tony Shepherd spent months researching this method and now present you with everything you need to replicate the methods that bring them thousands of dollars each and every month. Not only that but they show you 'real life' examples of the products that are pumping money into their account day after day, along with actual websites and proof of earnings.

This could be the 'missing link' in your Internet Marketing business. If you're serious about Internet Marketing you need to check this out.

The author is trying to change his career and is busy absorbing I M stuff like you wouldn't believe. Find more about Licensed to Quit on his Squidoo Lens

Bum Marketing Methods - How To Make Money By Doing Nothing

You are probably wondering what bum marketing is, and how you can make money from it yourself. It is quite simple really, all you need to do is find an affiliate program you like, and then promote it using free outlets such as Squidoo or Blogger. By creating a web of interconnected articles marketing your products as well as your other articles, you will gain organic traffic quickly and easily. By using article marketing you allow your articles to be picked up by giants such as Google and Yahoo without actually dedicated all that much time or resources to building backlinks as you would need to if you planned on starting your own website.

Bum marketing is based off keyword research, you need to find a niche and work from there. Gurus will pick the highly competitive niches as they will yield the highest results if they are done correctly but for new bum marketers it is a far better idea to start small. Find a niche that isn't overly competitive that has products to be sold. This can take time, you need to do research to determine what markets are flooded with affiliate marketers and which aren't, a good way to determine this is to do a Google search for keywords you would like your bum marketing articles to target. If there is a full page of Google AdWords results (11 sponsored links) then you most likely will not fair too well to begin with in this niche. Finding the right niche can be hard but once you do you should stick with it and watch the profits soar. Once you have a niche, all of your articles, webpages, sales pitches, etc. will become relevant to each other, and through this relevancy you can increase traffic and sales conversions across the board as you target new keywords. The key to bum marketing is getting organic traffic. While there are millions of marketers that manage to make money without organic traffic (traffic that comes naturally from search results as opposed to paying for advertising) you will need a solid base of organic traffic.

My personal steps for using bum marketing on various products:

  • Find a niche that isn't overly crowded that you can talk about.

  • Find products within the niche that are the right price and quality so that they will lead to sales and therefore commissions.

  • Research keywords that could be used to search for that specific product as well as general keywords that people would search for that may be willing to buy the product.

  • Build a Squidoo lens or a Blogspot blog for the product giving an unbiased review (I never sell products that don't work well, I refuse to scam people for money).

  • Build backlinks for the lens or blog, typically with a little bit of article marketing and purchasing a social bookmarking package from a SEO firm.

  • Promote products using social networks such as Facebook and MySpace, especially MySpace.

  • Watch the commissions roll in as I hit the front page of Google and Yahoo, and find ways to expand my product line using traffic from various sources.

Bum marketing or even affiliate marketing in general is not for everyone. In order for it to work, you must be patient, there is no other option. I started using bum marketing a few months back and now it is already paying large dividends for me. I'm currently a 19 year old freshman college student yet I am making enough money online to pay for my graduate school as well as a brand new car, hopefully this information will lead to your success as well. For additional resources on bum marketing I would highly suggest checking out some of the links below.

To increase the visibility of your own web enterprises, consider visiting the following Squidoo lenses:

Bum Marketing Your opportunity to steal some of my marketing tactics to be on the road to success yourself.

Social Bookmarking Services to gain backlinks, search engine placement, and traffic.

LazyURL to optimize your site for search engines and any other online marketing purpose.

Bum Marketing or Article Marketing You Call It!

Bum Marketing is a step-by-step process and one of the key components is keyword research and niche selection. Bum Marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money on the internet. Bum marketing Method is, in fact, a variation of article marketing. Bum marketing is also called "article marketing" and here is how it works in three easy steps: You write an article on a topic that has a lot of potential in a niche market.


What I am referring to is called article marketing. In addition, the best thing about Bum Marketing is that it is free to do. Once you learn some simple Bum Marketing tips, you will have money coming to you month after month, year after year. The benefits that Bum Marketing offers and the ease from which it can be gained are enough to make anybody want to hop on the bandwagon. My experience tells me that you can get started making money with a little bit of the right marketing knowledge.


All the information from the 'Gurus' only confused me more and more until I finally decided to quit doing the wrong things and only focus on the things that really worked. The internet has been totally built around "content" and "information".


One of the most difficult tasks for most Bum Marketers seems to be finding a niche that is profitable, but does not have a ton of competition. Do not get me wrong, I do get irritated by some marketers that constantly jam my inbox full of their latest offers and NEVER give any useful or good content. Trial and error has shown that a number of marketers are giving you terrible advice, some article directories are borderline rubbish and not all tools of the trade are created equal. The problem is when you start getting competition in the same niche market; while it works till you have competition, niches are generally too small for more than a couple of marketers. Bum marketing has become a huge hit simply because it gives online marketers a way to market their products and services and to make a profit without spending any money. When bum-marketing techniques were at first being tested out, marketers were amazed at how profitable this type of marketing method was for them.


You might not have guessed it, but this blog is an integral part of my Bum Marketing success in just one of the many niches I have tapped into. I have heard of a few other Bum Marketers utilizing Squidoo with some success so I may try it out myself. The key to success with bum article marketing is writing articles that involve a niche/product/service that has the least amount of competition as possible.


Bum marketing is a niche within the Internet marketing field that uses techniques designed to allow a novice who has little or no money to start (hence the word "bum") to achieve a modicum of success and eventually build up a significant stream of passive income.


EzineArticles and GoArticles are two of the better places to get your article published. EzineArticles does not allow you to link directly to an affiliate sales page but Squidoo does. Google is absolutely in love with Ezinearticles.


People from all over the world have discovered Bum Marketing and are making quite a good chunk of change from it. Many people have become hooked on the phenomenon that is Bum Marketing, with the idea that it is one of the easiest ways to generate income. The biggest part of bum marketing is article writing. Congratulations and welcome to the Bum Marketing club.

Bum Marketing is a step by step process and one of the key components is keyword research and niche selection. Bum Marketing costs nothing to get started, and profits can start to come in almost immediately. Once you learn some simple Bum Marketing tips you will have money coming to you month after month, year after year.

Come visit us, and LEARN How to be a BUM

List Building with Article Marketing - FBTK or SGG Members - Which Do You Want When List Buidling?

I would rather have a small list of what I started to call SGG people, than a large list of what I've begun to call FBTK people. FBTK people are freebie seeking tire kickers. Freebie seeking tire kickers versus SGG's which are serious go-getters.

I would rather have a small list with serious go-getters than a large list of freebie seeking tire kickers. Now it's not narrowed down to just two choices. It's not a choice between a large list of people that don't do anything or a small list of highly responsive people. What I'm working on building, is a large list of highly responsive people.

But I want to make the distinction because I really want you to avoid that trap of focusing on numbers and not quality people on your list. This is why doing this with articles is really the most powerful way to do it.

There are many list building strategies you can use. You can do your pay-per-clicks, you can buy list members, you can do opt-in storm where people do, you know, pop-up boxes and sign up for several things.

You can do co-registration. You know that was really big on the Internet a month or so ago, there are these new co-registration plans and you are supposed to be able to get thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of people on your list.

All those ways I've just mentioned cost something. Pay-per-click costs something. Co-registration costs something, especially if you buy that course. Doing it with articles is free. I like that price, it's free. All it requires is time and effort. And the people that come to your list from article marketing are much, much, much, exponentially much more responsive. They have already read your stuff and have decided to voluntarily click through to your website.

They read your article, they've read your offer, they want what you're offering. They're willing to exchange their email address to get on your list for whatever it is you're offering for free.

Those are highly targeted, highly qualified people that have raised their hand and said, "I want more of what you've got." So that is the advantage of doing this with articles.

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From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy